With galleries in New York and London, Lévy Gorvy is a global leader in postwar and contemporary art. Our work came at a time of significant expansion for the brand, heralded by the partnership of Dominique Lévy and Brett Gorvy. Our primary concern was to create a website that both serves and expresses the gallery’s identity and ambition. It needed to be simultaneously robust and flexible. It houses a considerable volume of archive content, while promoting the gallery’s extensive programming initiatives and selling publications through an integrated e-commerce platform too. As with the gallery, the site is minimal in for and has a sophisticated clarity in function.
Exterior photography by Brooke Holm

A vital part of our approach with websites is to train our clients how to run and upkeep the sites themselves. In the case of Lévy Gorvy, the team has impressively inhabited their virtual world. They have embraced its potential as a brand communication platform and have taken it beyond what we gave them. We regard this as a mark of success.